

Whiskey in the jar

Von dem Album "Garage Inc." 1998

Benutzte Akkorde (Gitarre einen Ganzton tiefer Stimmen)

  Akkorde Whiskey in the jar

Intro:  Em - G (2x)

Verse 1:
G                                  Em
As i was going over the Kork and Kerry mountains
   C                                      G
I saw Captain Farrell and his money he was counting
I first produced my pistol and then produced my rapier
 C                                           G                                  Em - G (2x)
I said "Stand and deliver or the devil he may take you" 

Verse 2:
G                                        Em
I took all of his money and it was a pretty penny
   C                                     G
I took all of his money and I brought it home to Molly
She swore that she'd love me no Never would she leave me
      C                                                G
But the devil take that woman for you know she treat me easy 

Mush a ring dum a doo dum a da
Whack for my daddy'o, Whack for my daddy'o, there's
G                            Em - G (2x)
Whisky in the jar, o 
Verse 3:
G                                   Em
Being drunk and weary I went to Molly's chamber
   C                                         G 
Taking my Molly with me and i never knew the danger
For about six or maybe seven In walked Captain Farrell
   C                                                   G
I jumped up, fired off my pistols and i shot him with both barrels 
Mush a ring dum a doo dum a da
Whack for my daddy'o, Whack for my daddy'o, there's
G                            Em
Whisky in the jar, o

Solo: G - Em - C - G - Em - C - G - D - C - G - Em - G - Em - G

Verse 4: 
G                                                   Em
Now some men like the fishing and some men like fowling
       C                                                 G
And some men like to hear, to hear the cannonballs are roaring
Me - I like sleeping specially in my Molly's chamber
     C                                     G
But here i am in prison, here i am with a ball and chain, yeah 
Mush a ring dum a doo dum a da
Whack for my daddy'o, Whack for my daddy'o, there's
G                            Em - G (2x)
Whisky in the jar, o

G (4x)
Mush a ring dum a doo dum a da 



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Datum der letzten Änderung: 11.08.04